What is phoenixal?
Phoenixal is a term that describes alterhumans* with a particular kind of past life, believing that they died or otherwise left their past life, and were born again into this one. They may additionally believe that this process has happened many times before, and will continue in the future. An example is someone who was a deer in their past life that died, and was reborn again as a human.
*: This term may be used by those who do not personally identify as alterhuman as well, so long as they feel this label is fitting for them. However, fenikae is generally considered to be an alterhuman label by default.

What is phoenixal?
Phoenixal is intentionally broad; it includes those who may believe in souls, reincarnation, new versions of oneself in different time periods, and many other varieties of experiences that may not be listed here.
This term may be used by those who are already a certain kind of alterhuman (such as otherkin), or fenikae may be considered its own, autonomous form of alterhumanity.
The terms come from феникс (feniks), the Serbian word for Phoenix, and Phénix, the French word for Phoenix.

What is phoenixal?
Fenikae, phenixic, and phoenixal all mean the same thing. Fenikae may also have an "n" added onto it. They may be used as nouns, and may also be used as adjectives. For example:
"I am fenikae(n).""I am phenixic.""I am phoenixal.""I am a phoenixal alterhuman/otherkin/headmate/etc."

Flags & Symbols
Flag 1 (primary)
Flag 2 (gradient)
Phoenix Clover
Phoenix Loop
Phoenix Root/Spiral
Phoenix Triskele
Both flags represent death/removal and rebirth, shown through the top part, which represents the former life, to black (death), to dark blues (consciousness), mid-purples (growth), and eventually, orange (life, rejuvenation). Orange was chosen as this color due to it being based off of phoenixes.
The symbols meanwhile represent the branching paths of different lives that the person has lived, all being tied to and circling back in to the same being or person. The Phoenix Loop, in particular, also references infinity. There was formerly a jagged phoenix clover, but I am no longer comfortable promoting it.

Phoenixal Terms
Phoenixal is a new term, and as such, there aren't that many more terms with official posts on sites like Tumblr. However, the current list can be found below. Links can be found in their titles, if there is one.
Alternate spellings of these words exist; you may use "phen" or "phoen" as the prefix instead of "fen" in any of these terms if you'd like. (ex: phoenitype, phenistelic, phoenigenic, that kind of thing.) Important to note that you don't have to use this language unless you want to.
Fenitype / Fenlife / Fennian: The being/entity/thing(s) that your phoenixal identity is tied to. Think in similar terms to words like "kintype".Kinixal / Otherkae: When someone is both otherkin and phoenixal; when someone's otherkin identity is influenced or caused by being phoenixal.Heartixal / Heartkae: When someone is both otherhearted and phoenixal; when someone's hearted identity is influenced or caused by being phoenixal.Constixal / Constikae / Fenistelic: When someone is both constelic and phoenixal; when someone's constelic identity is influenced or caused by being phoenixal.Fenimate / Altixal / Fenitive: A headmate or alter who is phoenixal.Fenigenic / Phoenigenic: A system origin that came about through being phoenixal; a system that formed through phoenixal means.Recursikae: A term in which one identifies as their past life due to already being dead in some way.-
Fenikae-related identities:
Ekynamor: A term for those who are fenikaen and still experience attraction in this life towards those they were attracted to in their past lives.Ekyneus / Ekyngender: A term for those who are fenikaen where it relates in some way to their gender identity, such as having their gender "awoken" alongside their past life, having a gender that was taken from a past life, etc. (more in link)

Phoenixal questions
Isn't this just otherkin?
Nope! Not everyone who is otherkin experiences things related to being phoenixal, and vice versa.
Isn't believing in something like this kind of weird/crazy?
If you think forms of spirituality are inherently weird, that sounds like a you problem.
Which term/flag/symbol should I use?
Go by whichever you like more! They all mean the same thing, there's just multiple variants.
Can I make my own terms or flags?
Sure! If you're not sure if it fits phoenixal, feel free to DM me to ask.
Can I repost this on other sites?
With credit.
What can this be experienced with? Animals, characters, etc..?
Any of the above! Phoenixal includes those who believe they'd been an animal in a past life, a fictional character, or just... another them! Anyone with this experience may use the term.
How do you pronounce these words?
Phoenixal: Feen-ecks-all / fehn-ecks-all.Fenikae: Fehn-ih-kay.Phenixic: Fehn-icks-ick.